
Jack Tizard is a Hammersmith & Fulham community school and accepts pupils from surrounding London boroughs.  The Education, Health and Care (EHC) Planning Service at Hammersmith & Fulham Council coordinates admissions to the school.

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    Book a visit

    Contact the Senior Admin Officer Michele on 02087353590 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to share relevant details about your child and arrange a visit.
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    Visit the school

    A member of the Senior Leadership Team will show you and your child around the school so that you can see the school community, environment and resources. This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
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    Offer made

    You should let your Local Authority key worker know that you would like to name Jack Tizard as your preferred choice. They will then send us the official paperwork and we will let them know if we can meet the needs of your child. The Hammersmith and Fulham EHC Planning Service will inform parents, or the requesting borough, about the placement decision and start date.
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    Transport arrangements

    You should let your Local Authority know if you would like to request transport to and from school. They will then send you the Application for Home to School Travel Assistance forms to fill in.
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    Transition arrangements

    Once a placement has been agreed, the pupil’s class teacher and Family Link Worker, will arrange a home visit. If they are transferring from another school, we can arrange for our staff to visit them there, and glean information from their staff. Taster sessions in a relevant class at Jack Tizard will also be arranged.
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    Pre and post admissions meetings

    Before your child takes up their place at Jack Tizard, we will hold a multi-disciplinary meeting to support a shared understanding of the pupils’ learning, health and care needs. Once they have been in school for 6 weeks, we will also hold a post admissions meeting in order to share relevant targets and information with you, and to answer any queries you may have.

What People Say

About Us

We are a day school for pupils aged 2-19 years with a range of severe learning difficulties (SLD) including profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). We serve the community of Hammersmith and Fulham and accept pupils from a range of other boroughs. Pupils attending Jack Tizard School either have a statement of special educational needs and receive annual reviews, or they attend on an assessment placement. The school population consists of pupils from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

The school's goal is to enable each pupil to develop his or her full potential. A broad and balanced curriculum is provided that is differentiated to meet individual needs and which enables access to the National Curriculum. The ethos of the school is founded on the principle of respect for all regardless of gender, race, sexuality, social background, ability, nationality or religion. The contribution of every individual is valued equally. The school promotes the positive social inclusion of all its pupils by fostering community links and by raising the profile of the school within the borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.

Who was Jack Tizard

Jack Tizard

Psychologist Jack Tizard was a New Zealander who spent most of his professional life in England.

He worked at the boundaries of psychology, medicine, education and social sciences along with alternatives to institutional care in the nineteen-fifties and sixties, which underpinned the subsequent development of ‘ordinary life’ models for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. His approach was characterised by a commitment to using high research standards to address important social problems, ensuring through his extensive advisory activities that the results of research were available to practitioners and policy-makers