Summer Community Swimming 2024

Summer Scheme 2024

The Hydro Pool

We are very proud of our Hydrotherapy pool at the Jack Tizard school. It is approximately 10m by 7m and is a consistent depth of 1.2m. It is accessible to people of all abilities as it there is a ramp available for people to walk down or use a shower chair to access the pool water, as well as a ceiling hoist which runs directly from the changing area to the pool. The water is kept around 33 degrees centigrade and the air temperature is around 34 degrees centigrade.
Our fantastic lighting system means that we can adapt the pool environment to suit our classes’ lesson, topics and create a different atmosphere. Our sensory lights are on waterproof buttons meaning that swimmers can learn to control this aspect of the environment independently whilst in the pool.
At Jack Tizard we are sensitive to the possibility that this environment can be overwhelming for some; and we are proactive in adapting our environment as much as we can to meet the sensory needs of our students.
Our pool is open to the students of the Jack Tizard School between 9.15am and 3pm, with a varied timetable allowing every class in our school the opportunity to swim. It is normal for students to swim 1 to 1 with their teaching assistants. We also are able to link with the Physiotherapists and Speech & Language therapists to ensure our sessions are as safe and as beneficial as they can be. Our staff use elements from the Halliwick concept and AquaEpps training to support students in the water. 
We are proud to have a growing pool team, and many teaching assistants throughout our school also hold an Emergency First Responder qualification; meaning they are trained in first aid and pool rescue techniques.
There are many benefits to swimming whether that is physical, social or psychological, as well as many sensory benefits. Being in water can provide our students with visual, tactile, olfactory and auditory stimulation; as well as it creating vestibular and proprioceptive sensory input which is completely different to working on land. There are many opportunities for choice and development in our swimming sessions, as well as the opportunity to develop and maintain daily living skills such as dressing techniques, developing gross motor skills, or developing communication and choice skills.
Here are Just a few other benefits of Hydrotherapy:

  • Respiratory/ Breathing benefits
  • Improved Fitness Level
  • Opportunity for increased Mobility
  • Less pressure on joints
  • Experience of freedom
  • Development of Swimming/ Aquatic Skills
  • Improved Sleep
  • Experience hydrostatic pressure
  • Improved blood flow and circulation
  • Confidence and safety in water.
  • Increased Relaxation
  • Opportunity for learning and developing independence
  • Increase in appetite
  • Opportunity for reduced pain
  • Developing Social Interactions
  • Building trusted friendships
  • Opportunity for more social engagement

Our pool can be hired out of school hours and for more information on this please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Priority for hires does go to those who are not able to access a standard leisure pools and would require the use of our specialist equipment. And as a venue, to ensure that we fulfil our duty of care towards the health and safety of all users of the hydrotherapy pool, an Emergency First Responder (or equivalent) is to be present for external hires.

What is Hydrotherapy

The Hydrotherapy pool and swimming activities are a fun and unique opportunity for our children and young people to engage in new learning opportunities. The hydrotherapy pool and its fantastic multisensory equipment enable Jack Tizard students to encounter, develop and interact with endless new environments extending their topic work and enhancing their curriculum.

As well as developing communication, interpersonal, cognitive and physical skills, the hydrotherapy pool has numerous benefits to their sensory awareness;

  • Visual Stimulation – developing the capacity to see and react through sensory lights under, above and through the water as well as brightly coloured toys and objects used in play and games
  • Hearing Stimulation – learning to listen and react to sounds by using; the voice – talking, reciting and singing; the water – splashing, slapping, bubbling; music – using various types CD's
  • Tactile Stimulation – Tactile stimulation is achieved by experiencing the feeling of a variety of objects and environments through use of; the water – sprinkled and poured through water cans, splashed, swirled, bubbled; objects that maybe hard, soft, spongy, prickly, smooth; vibration to identify position or as a signal. Temperature awareness, identifying changes in humidity, water temperature
  • Smell Stimulation – learning to identify and increase the enjoyment of a variety of smells; stimulation of everyday smells (swimming pool); identify people through smells.
  • Vestibular – the movement in the water stimulates the vestibular system, especially the jumping up and down, the swaying from side to side and moving round in circles in a variety of games. Movements that are difficult to facilitate to a child using a wheelchair on land.
  • Proprioceptive –The resistance and movement through the water actively stimulates the proprioceptive system through input from muscles, joints and tendons.
  • Psychological well-being – it's fun! Hydrotherapy in practice involves an ever present element of recreation. This is one of its key advantages over land based treatments. To get out of the wheelchair and change your body position and find freedom of movement and independence brings about physical and psychological well -being which cannot be achieved elsewhere or by any other treatment. The ability to be independent in water, to achieve skills that may be difficult or impossible on land, has favourable and lasting psychological effects which boost confidence and morale, and these can be carried over into life on land.
  • Improved mobility – The support of the water and the reduced fear of falling can aid mobility practice, by improving balance, coordination and posture. Exercises against the resistance of the water can improve and maintain range of movement and increase physical fitness. The heat and calming environment of the pool contribute to reduce muscle spasm and joint pains.
  • Relaxation – enables students to completely relax in the heated water and sensory environment with the confidence of experienced staff without fear
  • Communication - Research shows that being in the water promotes vocalisation in some students The pool is a perfect place to work on breathing techniques, most importantly blowing and humming to manage the water, encouraging oral skills. Songs, music, themes and games all encourage social interaction between staff and pupils.